德芙巧克力是中国巧克力市场的领导品牌,是人们心中独一无二的巧克力经典。 她独具魅力的丝滑口感与香醇回味,征服了众多爱好者的心,令品尝德芙巧克力的愉悦一刻,成为味觉与心灵的双重享受。
www.dovechocolate.com.cn - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
Blended and aged Scotch whisky. Includes history and blending information.
www.chivas.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
1801年成立于苏格兰阿柏丁的芝华士公司,是全世界最早生产调和威士忌并将其推向市场的威士忌生产商,同时也是威士忌三重调和的创造者。出于对威士忌事业的无比沉醉,芝华士兄弟遍访欧美大陆,成为最早发现威士忌酿制秘密的先驱。创始人James Chivas坚持认为保持品牌口味的一贯性是品牌的魅力所在,并开始创造有一贯质量保证的调和型威士忌。就这样,其品牌“芝华士”诞生于十九世纪九十年代。
www.chivas.com.cn - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
We at InfoRelay, the creators of Sitelutions, have a lot of experience in high-availability hosting, DNS, and domains. We were founded in 1995, and have been in business for longer than most hosts, so we know the ropes.
www.sitelutions.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
DNS Park
Secure, intuitive, web-based DNS services featuring most DNS records, dynamic DNS, URL/Mail forwarding, and Web Parking.
https://www.dnspark.net/ - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
DNSEver provides Free Web-based DNS (Name Server) services. Complex system management is not needed for DNS setup. Convenient DNS service can be used immediately by entering the domain name and IP address.
www.dnsever.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
System for domain name hosting, ip tools integrated, whois service, dns and ip lokkup service, simple use, fast work.
www.freedns.ws - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
Yves Rocher(伊夫·黎雪)
yves rocher usa, discover our catalogue and our online promotion offers on 700 natural cosmetics products: anti-aging care, skin care, hair care, fragrance and makeup.
www.yvesrocherusa.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
aveda's professional hair and skin care products give you a fashion-forward look while still supporting eco-friendly practices. innovative hair care, styling products, skin care, makeup and fragrance give you the look of the professionals.
www.aveda.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏 -
Domain-DNS.com is a simple to use web and e-mail forwarding service. For advanced users it includes a full-fledged "do it yourself" DNS service, with remote "IP update" capabilities.
www.domain-dns.com - 2020-04-19 - 收藏